Here we are again, gamer gals n guys: Trying to figure out just what to do, with this new “Gaming Disorder” diagnosis from the World Health Organization. But this time, we have help! Joining us this week to give us a new perspective, is Psychology and Data Analytics expert in eSports and video games, as well as the founder of GirlGamerVogue.com, Narz!
Watch the FULL Interview below, on our YouTube channel:
You can also listen to the 3-minute teaser segment on GHR, starting around the 90 minute mark:
And you know, you really should tune in from minute 1, because this week, the cast is joined by Brim’s old friend, Evan Ginzburg – Executive Producer of The Wrestler, in to chat about his new film 350 Days.
Here are links to all that we discussed:
Qutee Discussion: Video Game Addiction: Fact or Fiction?
SuperBetter.com from Jane McGonigal
Thanks for listening, and don’t forget to follow us on social media for more: