Hey GGT fam! Are you looking to get into a tech career, but not sure where to get started? Tech Blogger and Product Designer Laura Porter has got you covered! Her unconventional path into tech both inspires and informs, so even if you went to school and didn’t study computer science, or even if you didn’t go to school at all, she has tips that you can use RIGHT now, to propel you towards a life-changing career!
We’ve got the 3-minute teaser already up on GHR, starting around the 86 minute mark:
As always, you’ll want to check out the show from the start, because GHR knows just what you want to hear! This week, the cast is joined by Ellen Dubin of Napoleon Dynamite, Fallout 4 and the Elder Scrolls Series and much more! Don’t miss it!
And if you want the FULL interview with Lenora, where she shares some fascinating (and at times hilarious!) details about her childhood as a gamer, the wisdom & power of the “Rule of 7,” as well as awesome resources to help you break into the tech industry, bookmark this page, because all of that and more is coming in the Youtube video, both here and on our YouTube channel, in the next couple weeks!
For more on Ms. Porter, check out her website at: LenoraPorter.com
Thanks for listening, and don’t forget to follow us on social media for more: