Happy Holidays GGT friends!!! Okay, okay lol, I know it’s not that time of year JUST yet ;). But it IS time to start getting out that holiday gift list! And if you’re stumped for what to get for family and friends, we’ve got three great gifts to cover all your bases.
Watch & get the skinny, on our YouTube channel below!
Scroll down or Click Here» for links to everything we discussed :), and you can also check out one of my live TV interviews where I chatted with Sasha from Coffee with America, below!
Links to everything we discussed*:
Bamboo Slate
Getting organized and staying focused was never so easy! With the Bamboo Slate you get all the ease of writing normally with a pen on paper, but with a digital copy of your work saved automatically! It’s sleek, lightweight, and perfect for taking notes, brainstorming sessions, and meeting up with clients. And no distracting apps or notifications to throw you off your game.
Plus you can even convert your handwriting to text via a smartphone app, (yes even my messy handwriting passed the test hehe), as well as store, edit & share your files using Dropbox, Evernote or OneNote. It saves so much time; every grownup on your list will love it, and you’ll definitely want one too! Get yours today!
Spiderman Sphero
Spiderman! Spiderman! Does whatever a spider can… Lol and now Spiderman can do even MORE because he’s the latest interactive app-enabled superhero companion from Sphero! From telling jokes and stories, to reacting to you and your friends, to being the perfect Spidey alarm clock, every kid and kid at heart will want Spidey by their side.
His LCD eyes are infinitely expressive, and he even has motion detection, so he can react to people passing by, as well as guard a room from nosey siblings! Plus he stimulates the imagination with adventures and fighting bad guys galore. Grab one for the kid in your life!
Ready Mobile Groove
Smart phones are a hot commodity these days, and teens especially, are clamoring to be connected for the holidays. So why not get them the cellular service that also keeps them safe?
Ready Mobile is an excellent network with plans starting at just $30/month with no contract, plus they just launched a distracted driving module called Groove. It stops all text and data distractions before they reach the vehicle, and it cannot be tampered with or disabled. It’s the perfect gift for new drivers, teens, and anyone who wants to keep their loved ones safe. Groove is the first of its kind, and is only available from Ready Mobile! Start your plan here»
As always, you can also check out our segment below on GHR, at about the 90-minute mark:
But, you’ll want to check out the show from the start, because GHR knows just what you want to hear! This week, Kim, Brim, Zambo and Tom are back at it again! They have a secret call come in mid show, and Josaine Espinal stops by for a chat and much more! Don’t miss it!
Thanks for listening, and don’t forget to follow us on social media for more:
Fantastic!! Thank You very much! #HappyHolidays 🙂
Yay so glad you like it Patrick! Hope you have the happiest of holidays!!
Wonderful Holiday gifts! I’ll keep my eyes open for 2018 updates. Thanks for sharing these, Adesina!
Thank you Tony! Stay tuned for gift ideas for Mom — posting today! 😀